Performed to reduce or eliminate your menstrual flow and control heavy periods
NovaSure endometrial ablation is a non-hormonal, safe, and convenient 5-minute procedure that can effectively reduce bleeding or even eliminate your period entirely. It is performed with no incisions—and most women return to normal activities the next day.
QUICK: The actual endometrial ablation procedure is performed in 5 minutes.
SIMPLE: There’s no pre-treatment required. And you can have the procedure done at any time during your cycle, even if you’re bleeding.
SAFE AND EFFECTIVE: Approved by the FDA in 2001, the NovaSure® procedure has been used and trusted by physicians for more than 15 years.

Two things need to be done. First, a sonogram of the pelvis should be done to measure the size of the uterus, to make sure it is less than 10 centimeters long. Any longer and the technique won't work properly.
Second, it is important to have an endometrial biopsy before the procedure. This can be done in the office in just a few minutes. The reason this is done beforehand is to ensure that there are no cancer cells in the uterus. If there are cancer cells in the uterus then the NovaSure is the wrong procedure.
CAUTION: Have you had a tubal ligation in the past?
Post ablation tubal ligation syndrome
Can occur in patients with a tubal ligation.
Causes cyclic pelvic pain, likely due to trapped endometrium in one or both cornua - tissue cannot exit through the cervix.
Incidence has been reported as high as 10% of patients with a history of tubal ligation.
So this procedure may not be for you.
You might experience some cramping after the procedure; ibuprofen is usually adequate to treat pain.
It is common to have a vaginal discharge for two to four weeks after the procedure.
Most women are typically back to their normal activities in one to two days.
Patients may have irregular bleeding immediately after the procedure.
The success rate should not be determined until 8-12 weeks after surgery.
About 85 to 90 percent of women have either no periods or decreased bleeding. They are satisfied with the outcome of the ablation and do not need further treatment.
About 10 to 15 percent of women will require additional treatment, such as a hysterectomy.